lunes, 23 de junio de 2014

Making friends

I'll start saying that I've spent my whole life (18 years) with almost exactly the same people, for most of my kindergarden companions went to my school and high school. It's not like I've had the same friends since I was 1 year old and I've never met someone new, but still, getting in a place where I don't know anyone and having to stablish relationships is quite shocking for me. When I got in college, I was sure that I wanted to sare those moments with someone and not be alone. The first day I introduced myself to one girl with the most random thing, but it worked, and nowadays she is one of my best friends. I felt very proud of myself for breaking my own barriers and take the initiative. Anyway, today, after a year, I'm not the most popular, but I have my group of friends and that is all I need. I'm lucky to have my old friends next to my house, because I still miss them and I need them, but there they are, these new people,n this new company that I have won. I'm still the nerd one, the quite one, but I ave the respect of everyone and I'm happy with what I am.



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